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Above trail-cropped_Scotty Thompson2021.

Pullman's Past Comes Alive

Pullman Depot Master Plan Sept 2020-cover.jpg
2021-2023 Postcard FINAL 11-12-20.jpg

What is our vision for the future of the depot?

When the first community meetings were assembled in the spring of 2018, it became evident that residents were not only interested in perpetuating area history but developing an ever-changing facility – a place to come for repeated visits – a spot to attract community and visitors of all ages. Those attitudes pervaded the selection of the name Pullman Depot Heritage Center – not a museum with exhibits once seen and then forgotten – but a gathering place to celebrate local heritage, both from the past and the present.


We inherited a building which still retains many unique features dating back to the time of its original construction, such as terrazzo floors, glazed brick wainscoting, and quarter-sawn oak woodwork. We have secured original architectural plans from the NP archives to have an idea of what features have been hidden above two false ceilings added over time. We have found samples of the tile which once adorned the roof. All these unique features are part of our plans to incorporate into restoration efforts. Inside plans include permanent and changeable exhibits, meeting space, a children’s exploration area, gift shop, restrooms, and some leased space. Outside changes will focus on restoring the passenger car and caboose, re-establishing the brick platform, building a kid’s play space, and improving traffic flow.


Working with Design West Architects we have developed a five-stage Facility  Master Plan as a guide. It outlines all the  necessary changes we foresee, as well as a cost estimate for each. As of now,  the total cost looks to be in the  neighborhood of four million dollars, a  hefty sum for a relatively small community. We are hoping many past and present residents, as well as Cougar fans and history enthusiasts will get behind our vision and make it a reality.


Pullman Depot Heritage Center

330 N. Grand Ave, Suite H

Pullman, WA 99163




A Project of the Whitman County Historical Society

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