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Pullman's Past Comes Alive

Pullman Depot Master Plan Sept 2020-cove

Washington State Historical Society
Heritage Capital Projects 2021 - 2023

The Pullman Depot Heritage Center was selected as one of thirty-six applicants from across the state to be approved for funding through the Washington State Historical Society’s 2021-23 Heritage Capital Grant program. Since 1995 the state has allocated more than $80 million to support the preservation of historic facilities. These thirty-six projects are included in Gov. Inslee’s biennium budget and were forwarded to the legislature in 2021 for final approval.


The request was for $265,740 to support restoration of the depot exterior, which is projected to cost over $390,000, including what has been expended to remove and repair the eaves so the train cars could be moved. A provision of the grant requires each applicant to match any state funds with twice as much of their own. Generous donors have already provided PDHC over $300,000 to cover the purchase of the building. That amount, plus other donations, grants, and volunteer hours brought the match to a whopping $542,700.


The 2021-2023 Heritage Capital Projects Fund grant request of $9.2 million will result in $33.4 million direct investment in the capital projects proposed. In addition to this direct project investment, Washington’s economy will be boosted further by the indirect and induced effects associated with this planned spending.


Construction expenditures from this program create a multiplier, or ripple, effect that stimulates additional economic activity and increased worker spending. The significant economic effects on Washington’s economy associated with Washington State’s $9.2 million investment:

Direct Project Spending $33.4 million

Labor Income Impact $20.3 million

Direct State Sales Tax $ 2.1 million

Total Tax Impact $ 5.4 million

Total Economic Impact $66.4 million

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